James Moore


…has spent his career travelling on 4×4 expeditions through jungles, mountains and deserts across the globe, in a range of vehicles, from the most modern 4×4’s, through to lumps of metal that would look better stapled to the wall of a Top Gear studio.


With a background in Global and Remote Healthcare, and as the Director of the International Diploma in Expedition and Wilderness Medicine, he has, for over 20 years, provided medics and non-medics with the skills to prevent and deal with trauma in remote locations.


James is an editor of the Oxford Handbook of Expedition and Wilderness Medicine, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and a member of its Medical Cell. He is BORDA trained 4×4 owner, member of the local 4×4 Response Group and supporter of the Green Lane Association.

Healthcare and human factors

James understands the value of integrating aviation and healthcare safety processes into many situations, including our hobbies. Taking 60-seconds to ask 12 questions may make the difference between great memories or catastrophic nightmares.


Off-road winching is a risky activity, and where good training is key. For many, training may not be possible so having some basic information at your fingertips goes some way in bridging the knowledge gap.


James will be the first to admit there are plenty of people with far greater winching experience and knowledge than himself. Unfortunately, they’re rarely sat in our passenger seat.


Winch is not a substitute for proper training, but it can sit on your dash.